lulu 1.2 OUT NOW
lulu 1.2 has been released. After many improvements such as new UI, new features and bug fixes, I believe it has become an more enjoyable plugin. I hope you will try it out.
This product is free and open-source, so try it for free first. If you like it, I would appreciate if you can leave a small tip. I've also released on GitHub. Download from wherever you like.
If lulu fails to load or crashes, please try updating OS or VST hosts.
lulu (流流) is MIDI-controlled live granular. In contrast with simple and few parameters, lulu can play various texture. lulu is free and open-source, so you can get not only VST/AU but source code. lulu is made with JUCE for GUI, and RNBO which is an add-on of Cycling 74' Max for DSP. I'll be happy if you use for your creation.
- fix crash in certain DAWs
- reduce grain generator for ease of use
- draw the oscilloscope correctly if the sampling rate is not 44100hz
- don’t require much processing power than before
- deploy with GitHub Actions
- fix oscilloscope drawing being reset when window is closed
- fix retrigger of envelope
- new UI including oscilloscope
- simplify parameters
- add attack/release envelope
- fix many bugs (feedback, MIDI processing, etc.)